Wednesday, February 12, 2025
27.8 C
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
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    Breaking News

    Vanuatu President Dissolves Parliament

    The President of Vanuatu, H.E Nikenike Vurobaravu, has dissolved the country's Parliament 18th of November 2024 following a request from the Council of Ministers. This...

    Solwota i stap kam moa posen bitim bifo

    Vanuatu Meteorology mo Geo-Hazards dipatmen i finemaot se solwota i stap kam moa posen bitim bifo. Ocean Acidification i stap kam wan isiu naoia long...

    Niu Australian Hae Komisina long statem wok long Vanuatu

    Niu Australian Hae Komisina long statem Wok long Vanuatu Niufala Hae Komisina blong Australia long vanuatu, His Excelensi Max Wilis i presentem Leta blong hem...

    Gavman i leftemap piried blong Land Lis igo kasem 99 yia blong givim strong confidens long ol investa

    Long wan bigfala muv blong mekem tingting blong ol investa i kam strong moa, Gavman blong Vanuatu i apruvum wan niufala polisi we i...

    Vanuatu i stap wok from niufala Mini Taonsip Projek, we istat wetem Marina Divelopmen

    Gavman blong Vanuatu i stap wok long wan niufala mini taonsip projek we bambae i jenisim fes blong Santo long ol yia we istap...

    FES politikol muv afta long referundom

    Jans blong gat wan motion naoia hemi kodaon bakegen folem muv weh hed blong Gavman, Hon Praem Minista Charlot Salwai hemi mekem blong reshufflem...

    Ni-Vanuatu briefly apprehended in NZ

    A Ni-Vanuatu passenger was briefly apprehended and questioned by New Zealand authorities last week over an envelope that was handed to the passenger at...

    Air Taxi Crashes in Port Vila – Miraculous Survival

    A shocking event this afternoon, an air taxi carrying four passengers and a pilot has crashed into the Montmarte area of Port Vila at...

    VP mo UMP i registerem ol MP

    Tufala bigfala politikol Pati, Vanuaku Pati mo Union blong Moderate Pati i registarem ol MP blong tufala finis long Palimen.

    Gavman i kat full confidens long Liquidator blong Air Vanuatu : Hon. Salong

    Trifala liquidators blong Ernst and Young blong Australia we ol shareholders oli appointem olgeta olsem ol voluntary Liquidators blong Air Vanuatu, oli takeova finis long bisnis long Nasonal Airline long yestete 9 May, 2024.

    Storian Blong Yumi


    Vanom – Journey through Music 

    Journey of a young Music producer, singer, song writer through music. How Music has become a big influence in his life.

    Impact Blong Covid-19 Hemi Big Wan Tumas

    Impakt blong Covid-19 hemi big wan tumas. Hemi wan disruptive event we I rili damejem everi aspect blong society blong yumi, everi level blong...

    James The Farmer – Interests and Benefits of back yard gardening.

    James talks about his interests and the benefits in farming, horticulture. He encourages Vanuatu people to do back yard gardening to help with sustain...

    Dr Randy Vagaha’s Testimony on Covid-19.

    Doctor Randy Vagaha, Wan frontline health worker hemi sharem experience blong hem long taem blong covid-19
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