Tuesday, October 15, 2024
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Tuesday, October 15, 2024
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    Brenda Daniel

    136 POSTS

    CARE assisting Tafea outer islands to recover food gardens

    CARE assisting Tafea outer islands to recover food gardens. FOTO: CARE INTERNATIONAL VANUATU

    Trek to danger in Santo needs fixing

    The seriously dangerous trek to Bigbay Inland in central Santo which includes a marathon 48 river crossings could cost lives if urgent road repairs...

    Ni -Van in amputation murder charge

    A Ni- Vanuatu man has been charged with murder in a case involving the amputation of another man’s leg at Innisfail, in far north...

    Pollution-linked fish poisoning on the rise in Erakor

    The Fisheries Department has called for action to reduce pollution in Erakor Lagoon, as local health staff report more than three fish poisoning cases...

    Vanuatu acts to contain first COVID-19 case

    Vanuatu’s Council of Ministers has allocated over VT200 million to be used in containing Vanuatu’s first positive case of COVID-19. On Wednesday, Vanuatu announced its...

    Opposition warns: Don’t disrupt labour mobilty programs

    The leader of the Vanuatu Opposition has called on the Government to protect the labour mobility and seasonal worker programs underway with Australia and...

    Trachoma disease eliminated says health ministry

    In a positive development, the Vanuatu Ministry of Health has recorded a decrease in trachoma eye disease in Vanuatu, leading it to report to...

    Diabetic eye disease increases

    The eye clinic at the Vila Central Hospital says people must eat plenty of healthy food like yellow fruits and vegetables to address the...

    Health workers: Teenage pregnancies fall in 2019 but are still too high

    Vila Central Hospital records show around five babies are born in a single mid-wife nurse’s shift each day. Nego Alwin, a Department of Health’s Information...

    Men urged to get behind fight against cervical cancer

    The Vanuatu Family Health Association has called on church leaders, chiefs, husbands and fathers to get behind the fight against cervical cancer, which is...

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