The Espiritu Santo Tourism Industry urges the Vanuatu Government and liquidators to turn their focus to reconnecting the islands of Vanuatu.
“We have seen strong and necessary progress in restoring international connection to Port Vila and are thankful for this,” says the Espíritu Santo Tourism Association (ESTA) in a press release statement.
“However, we are now desperately seeking information and action on reconnection for the islands.
“This is not just for the sake of tourism but for the safety and wellbeing of the residents of all our Outer Islands.
“It is critical that the direct international flight from Brisbane to Santo is also re-instated as a matter of priority.
“The northern islands need this flight to continue to grow and prosper. We are so proud of how our tourism industry in Santo has pulled together to support and care for our visitors that found themselves stranded.
“We were relieved to see how many people took in their stride and made the most of a few extra days in the islands.
“After all, if you are going to be stranded there is no better place to be than Santo. We now need to turn our focus to the future and for this domestic and international aviation connectivity is critical.
“Santo had developed great momentum and our tourism industry seemed bright. Unfortunately, now we feel like the lights have been turned off. Tourism powers Santo – it provides jobs, and business opportunities, and brings new money into our small economy.
“We are blessed as an Island but as with all islands we need aviation connectivity.
“I am sure we speak for all tourism industry operators located beyond Port Vila and we need urgent action.”
The Espíritu Santo Tourism Association (ESTA) is committed to promoting sustainable tourism practices and preserving the natural and cultural heritage of Espíritu Santo Island.
Press Release