Long motion weh i kasem ofis blong Speaker blo Parliament,i showem allegations blong 2 gross misconduct wetem 1 incapacity claim weh i stap akensem Hed of state, His ekselensi President Nikenike Vurobaravu.
Fes wan i talem seh President i akt aotside long constitutional pawa blong hem taem weh i advicem blong wan Nasenal Unity Gavman i form blong avoidem wan Dissolution blong Palemen long November 2023.
Long note ia allegations i kamaot seh President i usum pawa blong hem blong dissolvem parliament olsem wan tret blong sipos ol membas oli no folem instraksen blong blo formem wan Nasenal unity gavman.
Seken misconduct allegation hemi questionem disisen making blong Hed of state long ol appointment mo termination blong ol individual weh oli holem ol Public position olsem, Chairman blong PSC, Comissioner blong Polis mo Ombudsman.
Last wan long ol allegations hemi folem incapacity especially long health blong Current Head of State weh claim I talem seh hemi afektem bigwan ol disisen making blong hem.
Long motion ia i showem seh long period between 2023 months 2024 seh Gavman i appropriate 28 million Vatu blong medical treatment blong President weh hemi ko tekem ova sea.
Anda long Constitution Chapter 6, Aticle 36, Electoral Kolej we hemi consist long everi memba blong palemen, President blong ol Provins mo Presiden blong Malvatumauri oli save vot blong tekem aot wan Hed blong State mo oli nidim 2/3rd majoriti blong elektrol kolej blong hemi pas.
Question istap nao se weta afta plante politikol muvmuv bae Majoriti blong Elektrol Kolej oli go higher blong tajem hed blong state.