Sunday, February 9, 2025
24.8 C
Sunday, February 9, 2025
    Sunday, February 9, 2025

    Torba Province Advances Health Services with Completion of Quatvaes Hospital Workshop

    The Ministry of Health (MoH) in Vanuatu has made significant progress in the redevelopment of hospitals across all six provinces, including Vila Central Hospital. This week, a crucial step was taken with the completion of the Quatvaes Hospital Clinical Services Model Design workshop, part of Phase 1 of the Vanuatu Hospitals Redevelopment Program.

    In partnership with the Australian Government, the Vanuatu Hospitals Redevelopment Program is a three-phase initiative designed to enhance provincial health leadership, improve clinical services, and develop resilient health infrastructure. Phase 1 of the program involves workshops at provincial and referral hospitals to finalize clinical services models tailored to each region.

    Quatvaes Hospital, located in Torba Province, serves as the primary healthcare provider for over 11,000 people across Vanua Lava, Gaua, Motelava, Merelava, Mota, Ureparapara, and the Torres Islands. With projections indicating a 16% population increase by 2030 and a youthful population—57.4% of residents are under the age of 24—the development of a clinical services model for Quatvaes Hospital is both timely and essential.

    The two-day workshop involved a thorough assessment of Torba’s health profile and current services, allowing local health managers and specialists to evaluate existing challenges and plan for the future. The Torba Provincial Working Group (PWG)—led by key health leaders including Nursing Services Manager Colenso Silas, Public Health Manager Henry Wetul, Planning Officer Waven Arnhambat, and Provincial Health Administrator Jerry Iaruel—played a central role in guiding the workshop discussions.

    Jerry Iaruel, Provincial Health Administrator for Torba, emphasized the importance of the clinical services model, stating, “It’s not just about building our hospital; it’s about addressing our community’s health needs, understanding the disease burden, and planning for our growing population. With challenges such as limited patient transfer by sea, cyclone risks, and aging infrastructure, this model will help us revitalize Torba’s health services and ensure the well-being of our people.”

    Dr. Sereana Natuman, Director of Curative Hospital Services at the MoH, expressed her appreciation for the efforts of the Torba team, stating, “It’s inspiring to see our provincial health leaders actively engaging in the process. Their dedication is laying the foundation for better health services nationwide. Congratulations to the Torba Provincial Working Group for their successful workshop.”

    As part of the broader Vanuatu Hospitals Redevelopment Program, five out of six provincial and referral hospitals have now completed their clinical services model workshops. Phase 1 of the program is set to conclude in January 2025.

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