Wednesday, February 12, 2025
27.8 C
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
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    Price Monitoring Office Warns Businesses of Big Fines for Not Following Rules

    The Bureau of Price Monitoring and Consumer Affairs has issued a reminder to businesses about the serious consequences of not adhering to pricing regulations....

    Port Vila Businesses Relocate Amidst Rising Rental Prices

    The recent earthquake that devastated Port Vila's Central Business District (CBD) has triggered a wave of changes across the city. With many business premises...

    Wolbank ripot i showem Vanuatu i stap experiencem ongoing Inflasen

    Pasifik economic updeit we Wolbank hemi mekem, hemi showem se Vanuatu hemi wan long olgeta kantri long pasifik we istap experiencem ongoing inflasen. During long...

    Vanuatu i hostem fes ever NGO Exhibition dei long Port Vila

    Vanuatu Association blong ol NGOs emi hostem fes ever NGO's exhibition Day long Tasdei namba 3 blong manis ia long Port Vila. Long ivent ia...

    Air Vanuatu (Operations) Limited (In Liquidation) (“Air Vanuatu”) successfully receives the Supreme Court’s approval for the implementation of the Deed of Compromise

    3 October 2024, Port Vila: Air Vanuatu has announced today that the Supreme Court of the Republic of Vanuatu (“Supreme Court”) has approved the...

    RBV Xi Jinping Commemorative Note

    Igat wan plan istap blong Reserve Bank blong Vanuatu hemi printim wan Commemorative Bank Note we hemi selebretem 71 Yia blong President blong China,...

    Government of Vanuatu Provides Relief Support for the Tourism Sector in this time of Aviation Connectivity Issue

    The Government of Vanuatu has taken steps to provide temporary relief to the impacted tourism industry due to the aviation disruption connectivity issue.

    Vanuatu Nasonal Nakamal Muvmen hemi mekem wan donesen kolo Ambrym

    Vanuatu Nasonal Nakamal Muvmen (VNNM) hemi mekem wan bigfala donesen blong 300 solar laet wetem ol samting blong aos i ko long ol pipol long Ambrym.

    Shareholders Miting blong finem kaon blong Air Vanuatu

    Olgeta kampani mo individual we Air Vanuatu i kat kaon wetem olgeta bae oli mit long wik ia blong harem stret total kaon blong Airline ia.

    CRB Rapid Response Plan long Santo

    Surveillance tim blong Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle (CRB) long Santo oli kik off long Rapid Response plan long plantesen blong Chapuis mo Ni Chi Ko long Suranda.

    Storian Blong Yumi


    Vanom – Journey through Music 

    Journey of a young Music producer, singer, song writer through music. How Music has become a big influence in his life.

    Impact Blong Covid-19 Hemi Big Wan Tumas

    Impakt blong Covid-19 hemi big wan tumas. Hemi wan disruptive event we I rili damejem everi aspect blong society blong yumi, everi level blong...

    James The Farmer – Interests and Benefits of back yard gardening.

    James talks about his interests and the benefits in farming, horticulture. He encourages Vanuatu people to do back yard gardening to help with sustain...

    Dr Randy Vagaha’s Testimony on Covid-19.

    Doctor Randy Vagaha, Wan frontline health worker hemi sharem experience blong hem long taem blong covid-19
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