Masaj i help serem aot sik blong gas long bodi blong pipol i no sik bigwan.
Local Mama Louise Bule long Banban, Santo i talemaot long VBTC Nius long wik ia se hand we Papa God i givim long hem i masajem fulap pipol wetem sik blong gas from air i fulap long basket blong kakae mo naoia oli oraet.
“Sik ia hemi wan sik we i save kilim fulap man, taem yumi ko long hospital oli givim yumi meresin blong gas yumi drink be hemi nosave vinis so masaj nao i save serem aot gas, from gas i hip koko, yu filim insaed blong yu hemi stap hot, be taem hemi stap hot ia i save jokem yu,” Mrs Bule i talem.
”Gas hemi wan sik we i mekem yu weak mo bodi blong yu hemi hevi wetem, yu nosave slip gud, yu stap storian wetem fren blong yu be filing blong gas i mekem yu, yu harem se ded naoia nomo.
“Taem gas hemi stap wetem heart, bae yu drink meresin bae yu nosave harem gud long hem kasem yumi holem.
“Gas samtaem hemi haed antanit long ples blong lung, samtaem andaneth long ol rib, long baksaed, taem mi masajem pa mi lukaot sipos mi no filim gas pa mi ko antaneath long nambiton, mi mas stretem ale ko karem antap long saed blong rib ale gas bae hemi jes mekem noise.”
Mrs Bule i talem se pipol i no mas wet blong givim janis long sik ia.
“Gas hemi kam long taem we yu no kakae long taem, hemi fulum ap basket blong kakae nomo. Long tete sam oli drink kava oli se oli kakae smol nomo be oli givim janis ia blong gas i fulum ap yu,” Mrs Bule i talem.
“Oli mekem semak fasin ia long ol wik,naoia bel i stap taet, i nomo gat spes blong kakae i go insaed from gas i fulum ap, ale yu stap filim nogud. Sik ia i wan sik we yu no mas givim janis long hem, yu drink kava yu mas kakae gud mo drink gud wota.
“Plante oli kam, sam oli kam oli se bel so be taem mi holem olgeta yu arem noise blong wota we olsem pikinini i stap mekem noise long wota, so pa mi ko hed holem gas blong oli save harem gud.
“Sam oli ko hospital oli hangem botel long ol be oli mas kam masaj, sam oli ko blong ko wok ovasi be sik blong gas i mekem olgeta, i mekem se oli mas kam luk mi blong mi masajem olgeta.Tete yu luk ol yangfala boy bel i hang hemi no wan gudfala bel ia, hemia gas ia hemi fulum ap. Hemi save mekem man i nomo ko toilet bigwan o even ko long toilet smol wan.”
Ol saen blong sik blong gas hemi man i filim hemi weak, hemi filim bodi i hevi, hemi laikem tumas blong stap silip, interes blong storian i nogat mo lukluk kakae nomo hemi fulap.
Mrs Bule i talem se plante mama, papa mo yangfala oli stap ko luk hem blong masaj.
”Ol mama fulap oli kam, samtaem gas hemi stap backsaed o saet blong rib ale mekem chest i hot fulap oli ko oli se oli harem gud,’’ Mrs Bule i talem.
Hemi talem se taem pipol i kasem sik ia oli no mas listen lem be oli mas muvmuv.
”Fulap oli kasem sik blong gas, oli wantem stap silip be no yu mas muvmuv blong gas i no stap mekem yu. No listen lem o wokbaot eli mrng blong mekem se swaet i mas ron ale ko hed masaj. Yufala we stap ko apple mas kam masaj from taem yu foldaon oli se poison no hemi wok blong gas ia,’’ Mrs Bule i talem.
”Mas drink wota blong dry kokonas o fes samting lo moning o yu wake ap yu tekem warm wota blong kilim aot gas.
Mrs Bule i askem pipol blong mas muvmuv plante long garen o mekem exercise blong ronem aot sik ia.